Facelift is a surgical procedure to lift sagging tissues and remove excess skin in an effort to undo the effects of aging. Over time, gravity, genetics and environmental exposure can cause drooping of skin around the jawline that forms jowls, facial folds, lines and wrinkles. The goal of a facelift is to “lift” the areas of the face and neck that have excess skin and tissue to create a natural, youthful and well-defined neck/jawline.

A facelift procedure is accomplished under general anesthesia, although local anesthesia may be used in certain cases. A precise incision starts in front of the ear and continues behind the earlobe. Soft tissue along with the skin is elevated and gently lifted to give a natural look.  Appropriate amounts of excess skin, fat and soft tissue may be removed and the skin is closed using sutures. Dr. Park strategically places the sutures so they may be hidden to the naked eye.

Ideal candidates for facelift surgery are generally healthy patients. The recovery period after facelift surgery usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks, but this may vary depending on the patient. There may be swelling and bruising, so physical activity is discouraged. Most dressings are removed after one week.  Dr. Park recommends patients sleep in a reclined position for a week or two following facelift surgery.