Keloid is scar tissue that grows beyond its original traumatic area.  It can occur from surgical sites, lacerations from accidents and very commonly from pierced ears.  There seems to be some propensity toward dark skinned people for keloids but it can also occur in light skinned people.  Treatment is difficult as no one type of treatment option has shown to permanently “cure” keloids.  As such, most commonly, two different treatment modalities are utilized to prevent recurrence.  Dr. Sunny Park most commonly uses surgical excision followed by steroid injections.

Keloid excision and reconstruction is usually performed in the office under local anesthesia.  Recovery is about a week, and sutures are typically removed a week later.  Serial steroid injections usually start about a month after the surgery.


There are many different type of moles.  They can be pigmented, raised and/or flat.  Some may be concerning for malignancy, others may be a nuisance to the patient as they may be unsightly from cosmetic stand point.  So that no suspicious “mole” will be missed, Dr. Park always recommends patients to have regular checkups with a dermatologist.

Dr. Sunny Park uses her expert surgical techniques to remove moles in such a way to hide the scar.  The procedure is usually performed in the office under local anesthesia.  Recovery from a mole excision and reconstruction is about a week, and sutures are typically removed a week later.