

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure in which the septum is straightened.  Often times, a septoplasty needs to be combined with a rhinoplasty to address both internal and external anatomical structures of the nose to improve breathing and/or the appearance.


Rhinoplasty, nose reshaping or “nose job”, is a surgical procedure  where changes are made to the external portions of the nose to improve its function or appearance.   Given the important functional and aesthetic roles of the nose, Dr. Park believes it is of the utmost importance for patients to choose a surgeon who has a keen understanding of nasal anatomy and rhinoplasty techniques. 


Rhinophyma is a condition caused by an overgrowth of oil glands of the nose. It occurs most frequently in older Caucasian males, but can be seen in other races. This condition can result in nasal deformity and can even cause problems breathing in severe cases. When the condition is significant, surgery is required for treatment.